Wednesday, October 8, 2008

NOW is as good a time as any

I kept waiting for something exciting to write about for my first post. Then I realized that I might be waiting a really long time for that perfect story! I wanted to sort of have a formal beginning to my blog.

What the heck - if I don't write anything at all then I'll never get started with any posts so what's the point?!?! Besides, NOW is the only time we've got!

It is raining today. A perfect time to stay inside and reflect. Actually, I just love writing. I have been writing for a long time. I am not one of those "diarists" or "journalists" because I have never forced myself to be consistent. I just write when there is something to write about. That way, if I miss a day I don't beat myself up or feel guilty because I didn't get to it.

If you are interested in writing, then just go for it. You can write about what you do, think, feel, historical or newsworthy events that have an impact on you, places you've traveled, foods you enjoy, a person you know, a book you're reading, school, work, hobbies...anything. You just have to do it. My greatest tip though, is to start your page off with writing the date. Sometimes it's nice to look back on something you wrote 10 years ago and it says "day of the week, month, day, year".

But don't say that I didn't warn you about falling in love with styles, patterns and textures of papers, journals, and pens! It becomes a creative outlet and is most relaxing. The greatest part is getting to reminisce and sometimes see how you have become a totally different person than you used to be. I encourage you to start today. You have nothing to lose. Whether it is private and personal or something to share, there are rewards!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is beautiful, Jo!
    I love the background.... very, very pretty.

    Here are some topic ideas;
    1. turkeys! (with pictures, of course.)
    2. daisy
    3. of course, the family!

    love you!
